Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Wednesday! My favorite weekday! I like the sound of the name "Wed" "Nes" "Day" and it has such a feeling of accomplishment to it! I've done half of my week's work, I'm half way to the weekend....I like Wednesdays.

Yesterday's plumbing issues are now in the past, thank goodness. The plumber came, he fixed, he left. I was so hoping to avoid the butt cleavage that seems to be part of the norm with repairmen around here but it was not to be...scruffy beard, red t-shirt that I could not read the saying on-it was too faded, black jeans, work boots (covered in something I don't want to even think about) a rather "fluffy" gentleman whose pants did not quite cover his belly and instead sat under his belly causing the infamous butt cleavage in the back. I had to laugh because he was exactly what I pictured in my mind would arrive on my doorstep! Not the 6 foot 3, dark haired, muscles rippling Greek God type...oh no, not for me! By yesterday afternoon all I wanted was to use my bathroom again. He "snaked" my drains but said the problem was on the City's end. By the time I got home from work last night the street at the end of my alley was torn up and City workers were frantically trying to cap a gizer of water! This morning, the workers are gone, the hole in the street is still there with cones all around it to keep you from driving in it. Upon waking, as nature normally calls, I tentatively pressed the flusher and held my breath-with the plunger in hand at the ready just in case! Eureka! No problems! I like it when things come together!

"Snaking" your drains...that just brings up all kinds of wierd thoughts. Why do they call it that? Who first thought of that? I picture this huge python slithering through my drains-now I have to look in the toliet before I can sit down! Wouldn't that be a wonderful place to be bitten!? throughout all of this Sammy sat in the hallway watching the drama unfold, he was very curious but the plumber had him aprehensive and he did what all cats do when they want to show you how uninterested in you they are...he took a bath!

So tonight I can actually take a shower, flush to my hearts content and have no plumbing issues or smells! I rose by anyother name is just a rose....ahh, I can breathe deeply again!


Roan said...

Well, I'm glad to hear your repairs are complete and you got to have a visit from that nice plumber man! Sammy should have bitg him!

Anonymous said...

Our toilet still bubbles and makes a scary sound when we run the dishwasher. The kids all run to the bathroom to watch. The things that amuse children. I enjoyed reading your post!

Anonymous said...

Ah, plumber cracks. All my kids have them and not one a plumber! Though it is a noble profession I am sure. I know they make more than doctors, but then, who would want their job?

Anonymous said...

Say no to crack!