Thursday, July 31, 2008

Ahhh Thursday

I've almost made it through another week! Thank goodness. This week has been CRAZY around here with my doctor's appointment, ultrasounds and blood work...just part of my yearly physical, I'm not anticipating anything to be wrong! I work at my Church and it's just been insane this week! We have a couple of big events coming up next week that are adding just a little pressure to a already pressured job! I will persevere though! My lovely sister, Lisa and her husband Brian, called last night and are coming for a visit on Saturday...they live in Austin, about 3 hours from me. Brian will go back on Sunday and Lisa is staying through Wednesday. Not a lot of time to prepare myself for the "Lisa invasion" ...I tried warning Sammy the cat last night and he actually huffed at me and walked away. He has such a little personality! If you knew my sister, and some of you do, you understand it is a full blown invasion! I need time to prepare myself and the cat!

Today is another gorgeous blue sky day here in Texas! That's one of the things I love about Texas...wide open spaces, miles and miles of blue sky and clear, clean air. At least in the part of Texas I'm in. We had rain last night! Yea! For anyone whose lived in Texas you know how we rejoice over that! The thing is though, everything really is "bigger and better" in Texas. When it rains it doesn't just mist or sprinkle it RAINS! Thunder that shakes the walls of your house, lightning that lights up the sky for miles around, sometimes hail-that can literally be the size of a grapefruit-rarely but it has happened, winds-it's a deluge! Last night was no different! The house was a rockin but not in a good way! Sammy is afraid of "Mr. Thunder" and tends to hide under my arm. Of course it would rain since I washed my car yesterday! Isn't that always the way it goes? So my lawn has been watered, a little river went down the street washing away all the dust and leaves...everything is shiny, green and just seems to be awake with life! All good things!

Oh, I forgot to mention...when the "rains of Noah" where pouring out of the sky last night I looked out the kitchen window to see 3, THREE, geckos on the window screen! Scared the daylights out of me at first...thunder crashing and lightening striking to see these lizard things...I really enjoy storms, usually, but for some reason I was a little spooked last night and then to be confronted with those 3 had me yelp and jump backwards. Sammy, being the manly man cat that he is, got up on the counter and rammed his head against the window trying to get to the Geckos only to bounce of the glass and fall into the kitchen sink. Poor little guy, I think he gave himself a headache. Geckos are good things, they eat bugs, usually I think they're cute but last night in the dark of night they seemed way bigger than their 1-2 inches they usually are!

Well I need to get back to work, by noon the sun will be high in the sky and with the rain from last night the humidity will be up and I'll be wilty! gotta love living here, it's definitely not for the faint hearted! Oh and the picture...NOT of Texas! I couldn't find one of scorched earth!


Anonymous said...

You wrote about Texas just to make me jealous. :) Also, that reminds me of our visit. I hope we can but won't know until after our move. Have fun with Lisa. Tell her I say hi.

Anonymous said...

You would be very proud of me. I did take cat food to that cat but he was gone. I think a tourist must have rescued him. I would have taken him in before but Isaac was throwing a fit. He is really afraid of most animals, even our kitten we rescued 2 weeks ago!